Valentine´s special: Pasta with Beetroot Sauce

by Micaela Harrasser

Looking for inspiring ideas for a valentine´s themed menu? I got you covered with this super simple, lovely beetroot pasta sauce!

The best thing is that it can be made vegan/dairy free just by swapping the creme fraiche with a vegan option, and by omitting the cheese at the end (or use aged cheeses like Parmigiano or Grana, lacking lactose). If you choose the original recipe, the feta cheese or ´salted ricotta´ (from Italy, it´s harder than classic ricotta and it´s made from sheep´s milk) will be a perfect companion to the sweet beetroot sauce. And how cute is this heart-shaped pasta, by the way? 😀 it´s called rigacuore from Rummo (a common and pretty good italian pasta brand). If you don´t have much time, you can prepare this sauce ahead 😉 enjoy!

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