Ah, focaccia… or fügassa (in regional dialect). A generous bite into it, and I am teleported to a sunny Ligurian town, gazing at the shiny Mediterranean Sea. Focaccia tastes of my childhood summer holidays!
And the taste… how can you NOT be obsessed with it? Just pulled out of the oven it’s light, balanced (super moist & crunchy), delicious.. a simple piece of salty heaven! This is the recipe for the plain version, but feel free to experiment with various toppings! These include: onions, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, rosemary.
I found that abroad (or even in some parts of Italy) it’s very difficult to find the authentic masterpiece you can enjoy everywhere in Liguria. For example, the real deal is not very tall, nor bread-like and so spongy. Big no! This version comes very close to what I personally think it’s the real deal. Hope you like it too! 😀
A small note on the baking tray vs flour ratio. To start with, try to get a width of 1, 1 ½ cm when you place it on the baking tray. Bake it, see how you like it, and take it from here!
The flours are important. You need a mix of a strong flour (Manitoba) and a less strong, all purpose like the 00. In this way you will get a nice rise and lower the risks of ruptures given the higher gluten (elasticity) in the Manitoba.
As always, the extra virgin olive oil is also important: in Liguria it’s fundamental to use local, sweet extra virgin olive oil for maximum deliciousness. Use whichever oil you prefer, as long as it has a very nice flavor and it’s good quality! I can’t wait for you to try it and let me know your thoughts 😀 have you also tried the ‘real deal’??