Summer Pasta with Ricotta, Peas & Peperone Crusco

by Micaela Harrasser

Another day, another super quick, no-fuss, delicious pasta sauce for you! I am just obsessed with ricotta, so bear with me with another sauce where the star is this light and delicious cheese! (check my other ricotta-based recipes here).

The bright peas and fresh parsley make the sauce super fresh and light – perfect for a hot day where you are too busy or simply want an easy meal. I topped the sauce with delicious peperone crusco. This delicacy comes from the south of Italy, specifically from Basilicata, where it it sometimes called ‘red gold’. These are red peppers, often without the seeds, are dried in a hot and dry place. The result is a delicious, slightly hot spice that is often fried for a few seconds to make it crunchy (ie, crusco). Make sure to take some with you the next time you go to the south of Italy! 😀  

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