Simple & Delicious Ricotta Gnocchi

by Micaela Harrasser

Today I am sharing this alternative, delicious recipe for gnocchi with ricotta instead of potatoes! They are lighter in taste and softer in consistency, like proper clouds! It’s so easy and quick, I dare you to not use this recipe instead of the traditional one with potatoes from now on! ;D

The gnocchi: to get the right consistency it’s important to drain out as much liquid as possible from the ricotta. We do so to prevent adding too much flour to the mix, which can dilute down the flavors, or make the gnocchi too hard and chewy!

The sauce: I like using a simple, flavorful tomato sauce with these gnocchi for an extra rich and nourishing meal. Alternatively, the good old butter & sage mix works wonders! Now let’s get to work! 😀


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