Savory Kale Bake with Cheese, Pumpkin & Tomatoes

by Micaela Harrasser

This easy savory bake is filled with loads of flavors (pumpkin, nuts, scamorza and sundried tomatoes) and infused with tuscan kale, for a healthy and delicious treat! Works perfectly as appetizer or main, hot or cold 😉

As I am not a fan of kale (I find it often bitter), I got my hands on some delicious leaves at the farmers market so I thought ok – what can I do with this to make something healthy, seasonal and delicious?

So here I come, with this savory ‘pie’ containing sweet pumpkin (works very well with the kale), and nuts for extra crunchiness (I admit I used pecan because that’s what I had in-house – feel free to use other nuts too! Ideally on she sweet spectrum like almonds or hazelnuts). The sundried tomatoes then give loads of extra flavor to it. And the ultimate star is the scamorza, our smoked cheese. If you cannot find it (cheese shops with a good selection should have it, as well as EkoPlaza), you can substitute it with a cheese that melts well without releasing too much liquid, like Emmenthal or gouda.  Finally, in the mix I added some spelt flour for extra flavor and proteins (all-purpose four is very good many recipes, but highly refined and not so high in protein content). Feel free to experiment with other flours or mixes though! 😉 And enjoy this deliciousness!

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