Pistacchio & Basil Pesto – Easy and Fresh!

by Micaela Harrasser

Today is Pistacchio day, so what´s better to celebrate than a super easy and delicious pistacchio & basil pesto sauce?
This fresh and dairy free pesto is super quick to prepare – you can just make it while your pasta cooks! You just have to mix everything using a stand mixer with blades and done!
The best part is that you can make a large batch to keep in the fridge, or to freeze! ;D
This version is extra rich, with a strong pistacchio flavor. If you find it too overpowering, just add more basil leaves or cheese to it! The freshness is given by the lemon juice (ideally freshly squeezed). Lastly, make sure to use good quality ingredients, especially for the cheese and olive oil! They will make a very big difference. For the olive oil, I would go for something fruity and not too strong in flavor. Enjoy! 😀

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