Homemade Pistacchio spread – Quick & Easy!

by Micaela Harrasser

Are you a Pistacchio lover like me? Then how about making the indulgent pistacchio spread at home? It´s so easy and quick! Note, this version is still quite salted/savory. For the super sweet version you often find in store-bought jars, I would suggest to make it with white chocolate 🙂 I don have that recipe just yet!

All you need is shelled pistacchio nuts to lightly toast, then blend into a smooth, silky paste! You won´t need to add much liquid (in this case flavorless oil and some agave syrup), because the nuts will release their oil anyway! You can use this spread on bread, cookies, or to flavor your sweet desserts! For example, you can make a gorgeous pistacchio Tiramisu (recipe found here). Also, feel free to switch this nut with any other nut, like almonds or hazelnuts! Enjoy!

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