Home made Lemon Curd – Easy & Delicious!

by Micaela Harrasser

Did you know that making homemade lemon curd is super quick and easy? In just about 15 minutes, you can have a beautiful, creamy and delicious zesty curd to use for cakes, cookies and so on!

It’s the perfect recipe when you find yourself with leftover lemons without the peel (for instance, it just happened to me since I decided to make limoncello). No waste policy when we can! Plus, if you or your loved ones like lemony desserts, this will make everyone happy! You can simply add it to the batter, or use it as filling (stay tuned for a cake recipe coming soon :D). 

This recipe has less butter and less sugar than most other recipes – I find that having less butter doesn’t change anything (yay), while by using less sugar you will definitely get a less sweet lemon curd. If your sweet tooth demands a more sweet version, add an extra 5-10g of sugar 😉 and for the sugar, I used golden caster sugar but you can use whichever sugar you prefer! Lastly, for this recipe I use only egg yolks and no whole eggs, to avoid the egg whites to cook and separate from the mix. If you prefer to use whole eggs and that happens, do not despair: just sieve the mix through a fine mesh and you’ll get a super smooth cream!                                                                                                                                                              

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