Easy & delicious homemade Limoncello

by Micaela Harrasser

I am not a super fan of spirits, but when it comes to an after dinner amaro, a limoncello or a home-made liqueur, I never say no! So here’s my home-made, super easy & delicious recipe for a gorgeous limoncello! The hard work of peeling those lemons will be compensated – this recipe yields around 1.5L from just 1kg of lemons!

The lemons: being the key ingredient, it’s fundamental that you get seasonal, super tasty lemons. Try to go for lemons imported from Sorrento (where Limoncello was born), or to go local. If you plan to make it outside of summer season or with poor quality lemons, forget that sweet, zesty taste!

The spirit: traditionally you should use 100% alcohol. Unfortunately, outside of Italy it’s not something easy to find, so I tried to optimize it with vodka instead! Smirnoff or Absolut are my go-to, easy to find in supermarkets or Gall&Gall. The result is super nice, not too strong and quite sweet. It works even, like me, you’re not a fan of vodka! Just try it to believe it! 😉


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