Easy and Rustic Grissini (Breadsticks)

by Micaela Harrasser

Grissini, breadsticks, are super common in Italy. Usually, you have them as a crunchy snack to quench your hunger, or you use them as vessel to enjoy spreads or salumi (fresh cuts) folded around them. This is a rustic version: super tick, delicious grissini with a pinch of spelt flour (because I love it aha).

I love how crunchy they are, and super tasty with the olive oil in the dough (and on the surface too…). You can also play around with different flours or ratios – just remember that different flours require different liquid amounts. For example, whole wheat flour absorbs more water than white flour. Also, whole wheat tends to be more crumbly and less chewy (not as good as developing gluten).

Can’t wait for you to try them, and to let me know which variants you’ve experimented with! 😉 Buon appetito!


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