Delicious & Comforting Mushroom Risotto

by Micaela Harrasser

It’s mushroom season, and I just love them! They’re packed with vitamins, proteins, and other goodies ~ and of course super delicious! They’re also super versatile: you can use them in soups, as a side, in sauces for pasta & risotto, and so on! If you are not a fan of the chewy consistency, you can just chop them very finely!

For this risotto, I cook the chanterelle mushrooms separately (as super nice side dish minus the parsley) – then I simply add them to the almost ready risotto. Simple & awesome! You can use another type of mushrooms (since this variety isn’t easy to find in common supermarkets) – but make sure they have a nice, deep flavor (like shiitake). I would avoid champignons & such.

As always, the type and quality of the rice are super important: you would never use sushi rice to replace basmati rice, so the same rule applies here! Nowadays you can find rice for ‘risotto’ (see below for the exact varieties) in most supermarkets.

Risotto making: first ‘toast’ the rice without liquid to help preventing it to become too mushy. Also, for the best results, you want to cook your risotto on a gentle heat for longer times. If you are in a hurry, you can speed up the process by keeping the heat a bit higher. Just make sure to keep stirring it and eventually adjust the stock volumes as it might get absorbed/evaporate more quickly! And at the end, we do the so called ‘mantecatura’ where you add fat (butter in this case) to give your dish that extra creamy and soft final touch. For a vegan version, omit the cheese at the end and use dairy free butter! 😉


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