Easy & comforting Jerusalem Artichoke soup

by Micaela Harrasser

This lovely tuber saved my expat life ahah. In Italy it’s known as Topinambur, it’s super healthy and it tastes just like artichokes (which I just cannot find (at decent price or quality) abroad. Help.

Luckily, these beauties are easier to find abroad (usually in farmers markets) and they’re quite versatile. Here I show you how to make a simple yet rich and yummy soup. With most vegetables with skin, there’s always the question whether to keep the skin or not. Like for potatoes, in this case keeping the skin will give a more ‘hearty’ and deep flavor.

As you can see from the ingredients, the soup is very light and vegan friendly. If you’d like to level it up and blow your mind even further, you can add some crumbled feta cheese on top ;D enjoy!


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