Amor Polenta (Corn flour-based sweet cakes)

by Micaela Harrasser

This is not a super common dessert (even in Italy unless you live in the North) because of the corn flour base, yet I want to share it with you since it’s one of my favorites. While it’s commonly made and found in bakeries in early spring times, you (as I) can make it all year around, since it requires just a few ingredients available any time.

It’s so easy and quick to prep – in less than an hour you get this perfect light dessert for your busy weekdays or a light snack. Traditional versions often uses butter but I prefer this lighter version with flavorless oil instead. It also makes the cake more fluffy so for me it’s a win-win! I can’t wait for you to try it!

A small note on the polenta flour: I tend to use the ready mixes to make polenta, like Valsugana satchets (top brand back home as well), or the polenta from Holland and Barrett 🙂


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