Cloud-like Strawberry Soufflé

by Micaela Harrasser

Finally the Netherlands have been blessed with gorgeous sunshine! Still cold temperatures but we can’t really complain 😊 what we can do with this gorgeous weather is to have a light yet super tasty dessert like these cloud-like strawberry soufflé!

These soufflé are so soft and light like a cloud thanks to the egg whites and very little flour! Just make sure to work the egg whites for quite some time (hence why the stand or hand mixers would be of huge help) until you get those hard and glossy white peaks. This recipe also does not use a lot of sugar, because I added some delicious seasonal strawberries!

Strawberries are my favorite fruit – I eat them by the (500g) box! So when it’s season I buy loads and try to add them to anything I can! If they are ripe, sweet and tasty then your desserts will be at a different level 😉 if you are not a super fan of strawberries, you can definitely substitute them with something else, like blueberries, raspberries or cherries! Enjoy!  


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